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Chiudere un account Clubhouse

Ecco il testo usato per la richiesta di chiusura e cancellazione dei nostri account Clubhouse. Da personalizzare con i propri dati e inviare a support @

Oggetto: Data and account deletion - erasure requests as per Art. 17 GDPR (“right to be forgotten”)

To Whom It May Concern,
my name is XXX, I am an Italian citizen living in Italy (Europe). My phone number (and Clubhouse account) is +39 XXX.

I am hereby requesting immediate erasure of personal data concerning me according to Article 17 GDPR including all my address book data that you are in possession of. Please erase all personal data concerning me as defined by Article 4(1) GDPR including all my address book data that you are in possession of. I am of the opinion that the requirements set forth in Article 17(1) GDPR are fulfilled. You cannot claim an exception based on Article 17(3) GDPR either, particularly as I am not a public figure. If I have given consent to the processing of my personal data (e.g. according to Article 6(1) or Article 9(2) GDPR), I am hereby withdrawing said consent for the entire process including all my address book data that you are in possession of.

In addition, I am objecting to the processing of personal data concerning me (which includes profiling), according to Article 21 GDPR. I request that you restrict the processing of the data concerning me (including all my address book data that you are in possession of) pending the verification whether your legitimate grounds override mine, pursuant to Art. 18(1)(d) GDPR.

If you have made the aforementioned data public, you are obliged pursuant to Article 17(2) GDPR to take all reasonable steps to inform other controllers, including search engine operators, who process the personal data listed above, that I have requested the erasure of all links, copies or replications. This applies not only to exact copies of the data concerned, but also to those from which information contained in the data concerned can be derived.

In case you have disclosed the affected personal data (including all my address book data that you are in possession of) to third parties, you have to communicate my request for erasure of the affected personal data (including all my address book data that you are in possession of), as well as any references to it, to each recipient as laid down in Article 19 GDPR. Please also inform me about those recipients. If you object to the requested erasure, you have to justify that to me. My request explicitly includes any other services and companies for which you are the controller as defined by Article 4(7) GDPR.

As laid down in Article 12(3) GDPR, you have to confirm the erasure to me without undue delay and in any event within one month of receipt of the request. I am including the following information necessary to identify me:

  • Nome e cognome
  • Luogo di nascita
  • Residenza
  • Indirizzo email
  • Mobile phone +39 XXX

If you do not answer my request within the stated period, I am reserving the right to take legal action against you and to lodge a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority. Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

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